Water Power

Moving water is a vast 
energy resource

Covering over two-thirds of the Earth’s surface, our oceans and rivers contain enough energy to supply global electricity demand many times over.

Capturing this power efficiently and sustainably is crucial in addressing the energy needs of our future. Cutting edge technology is vital in making it a reality.

Hydrokinetic adjective

Hydrokinetic Energy

the energy generated by the movement of a body of water

The Earth's tides, ocean currents and free-flowing rivers contain a vast, powerful and highly-concentrated clean energy resource.

What is Hydrokinetic Energy?

Hydrokinetic technology captures the energy in moving bodies of water. Critically, it does not need large, man-made infrastructure to impose physical change on the nature of the water body in which it operates.  This minimizes ecological disruption and fosters sustainable energy extraction without harming aquatic ecosystems.

white waves
Power from our rivers
The original global power network

Rivers criss-cross our planet and are one of humanity’s oldest sources of power. The earliest recorded watermill dates back to the 3rd century BC, and today’s traditional hydropower accounts for half of the world’s renewable energy. Our patented HKS.r technology taps this same, vast river resource – but in a new way.

River power
Power from our tides
Predictable power from our seas and oceans

Driven by the orbits of our moon and sun, the Earth’s tides move to a regular and predictable rhythm. This consistency sets tidal power apart from intermittent renewable energy sources like wind and solar. Our HKS.t technology captures this vital power to deliver grid-scale power.

Tidal power